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A trusted guide.
A thought partner.  
A truth teller.
A provocative questioner.
A reliable ally.
A straight talker.


If this seems like someone you’d like to have on your team as you make progress on tough challenges wherever you exercise leadership — at work, at home, in your civic life, at your place of worship — you may benefit from working with a leadership coach. 


Rather than giving you canned answers, skillful coaches ask powerful questions, make insightful observations, and help you create multiple interpretations around the challenges that matter to you the most.  A leadership coach partners with you to co-create a tailored approach to helping you make progress toward personal and professional growth. A coach can’t do the work for you, but great coaching helps you understand what’s in your way and how you can get over, around, and through the barriers that are keeping you stuck.


A graduate of the Kansas Leadership Center Leadership Coach Intensive program and a member of the International Coaching Federation, Scott is a skilled guide, wayfinder, and sensemaker with a passion for helping people at every level develop their leadership capacity and approach wicked problems skillfully and with confidence.

Scott Metzler